I thought we'd center more on furniture this go around, though I do have a dress to show you too. First up though is one of my favorite items at TWLOHA, curtesy of one of my very good friends, Chaotic Monday, owner of Entropy! The Pink Love Room consists of the Chaise (Filled with five single animations and two couples animations), Rug, and Frame (your own textures can be added to make the frame truly yours).
Next up! A store that is new to me, Nostalgia, has out some great new stuff for you too. Starting with my favorite of the two, 'A sign of Life' , a cute little chair and side table (the ladder behind the chair is included as well!). And Crissy's second offering for the event is the great little 'Nostalgic Bench'.

Finally as I mentioned at the top of the post I had a dress to show you as well! Well technically I've showed you it a few times but how 'bout a better look and in both colors that it's available in. This one is curtesy of Indie Rose.
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