Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hair Fair and so much more!

This post is jampacked with tons of goodness tonight. Unless you've been living under a rock, and not just any rock it would have to be one huge boulder, you know Hair Fair opened today. Needless to say I ran for the LeLutka stand (found here) the first chance I got to pick up these two styles. Angela on the left and Loose on the right.

Now you're probably wondering about those cute stuffed bunnies I'm holding. They're gatcha prizes from Aura and can be found at the Community Thrift and Trade Event. Right next to Aura's gatcha you can find the gatcha from Illusory that gives out the adorable peapod mouthies. AND, one more.. across the way you can find a gatcha from Insufferable Dastard with eyes, including the rare Real Eyes/Bright that I'm wearing.

Now onto the skin.. it's gorgeous isn't it? It's from Curio and if you join the update group for the new Truth District you can pick it up as a free gift! Granted I still haven't been able to get into the sim! *cries* But thankfully, it was put out in notices for all us poor souls that can't seem to get there.

Okay, one more thing and I promise I'm done! And that would be the capris and tank I'm wearing in the pic above.. they're curtesy of Cynful and will be out tomorrow for Lazy Sunday!

Wow, are you still with me? That was a long one tonight, but I think I covered all the amazing finds. Stay tuned to see all the rest of the amazing hair I managed to pick up at Hair Fair! ♥

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