Saturday, October 27, 2012

Aly & Manda's Fashion for Prim Boobies - Week 7

It's Boobie Show time again so we headed back for Week 7 of Aly and Manda's Fashion for Prim Boobies!  Hoshi has quite a few colors of this hot little bodysuit at the event, including the red one that Manda is wearing, though for the black I had to head to her store.  While I was there I managed to pick up the gray versions of the devilish horns and tail from her gacha.  Definately a trip worth making!  To see what Manda is wearing check out her BLOG!

(To see the pic full size click through.  Definately needs to be seen fullsize!)



~Style Card~

Skin - Pink Fuel (Mochi Milena) - Alyx (Vanilla/Siren) **Costume Ball**
Eyes - ID (Audrey Lamede) - Classic Alien - Abyss  **Cinema**
Hair - Magika (Sabina Gully) - Volume (Hud02)
Horns - Blah (Hoshi Kimono) - My Devilish Horns (Gray)  **Gacha**
Piercing - Pekka (Kathya Szczepanski) - Blind 2
Necklace - Amorous (Matchbook Monday) - Now
Boobs - Lolas! (Sandi Moonites) - Push-Up 2.5
Skin Applier - Luck Inc (CK Winx) - Lolas Skin Applier for Pink Fuel Kumi Vanilla
Bodysuit - Blah (Hoshi Kimono) - My Latex Mini Suit (Black)
Nails - Bamboo Nails (RubyRedRusset) - Tuxedo
Claws - Amorous (Matchbook Monday) - Lacerated
Tail - Blah (Hoshi Kimono) - My Devilish Tail (Gray) **Gacha**
Boots - SLink (Siddean Munro) - Tall Leather Thigh Boots (Black)

Still with me?  Then you get the bonus picture.. why?  Just because I had fun editing it.  ♥


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