Sunday, January 2, 2011

LOTD: January 2nd

Just playing around with all the new goodies I seemed to have amassed over the holidays, and a few oldies but goodies, and thought I'd share a quick look. On a sidenote, Katey Coppola of Glitterati opened a VIP group for the store. If you love her store or are just an absolute pose whore like me definately check it out. And you get the pose prop I'm using in the below pictures (The Rack).

~Style Card~
Skin (ears & antlers) - Illusory - Paige frostbite
Faun - Visavi - Snow Faun
Hair - Truth - Kai (Pearl Streaked)
Lashes - Kosh - No Alpha Lashes V1
Tattoo (face) - Plastik - Soul Ink - Stretched Dreams
Necklace - Kosh - Enigma Necklace
Dress - Plastik - Lungless Symphony (CirqueDuFreak-Red)
Bracelet - Plastik - Friendship Twist (Liquid Hot Magmaa)
Tattoo (body) - Para Design - Precious *new*

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